Weg's Tutorials

Deep Q Learning Tutorial 3:

How To Make A Gambling Bastard

But Then Force Him To Grow Up



The agent loves cheesy-potatos. It knows how good cheesy-potatos taste because it eats cheesy-potatos all them time.
But how can it know asparagus tastes bad if it never tries asparagus?
Can one truely grow big and strong with a diet of only cheesy-potatos? (hint: no)

Good Parenting

We are going to dice up some god damn asparagus and mix it in with the cheesy-potatos.

def chooseAction(self, observation):
    state = torch.tensor(observation).float().detach()
    state = state.to(self.network.device)
    state = state.unsqueeze(0)

    qValues = self.network(state)
    action = torch.argmax(qValues).item()

    chanceOfAsparagus = random.randint(1, 10)
    if chanceOfAsparagus == 1:  #   10% chance
        action = random.randint(0, 1)

    print("qValues: {}, action {}".format(qValues.detach(), action))
    return action

We also need to change the learn function, because before we were just picking, the greatest QValue but now we arent.

agent.learn(state, action, reward)
def learn(self, state, action, reward):

    state = torch.tensor(state).float().detach()
    state = state.to(self.network.device)
    state = state.unsqueeze(0)

    reward = torch.tensor(reward).float().detach()
    reward = reward.to(self.network.device)

    qValues = self.network(state)
    valueOfChosenAction = qValues[action] # see here: we cant just call max() on this anymore

    loss = self.network.loss(valueOfChosenAction, reward) # and here


Also dont forget to remove that weird reward shaping we did before. You know the if done: reward = -50.0 stuff.
Anyways, run it.

ep 101: high-score       46.000, score       17.000, last-episode-time   18
qValues: tensor([[0.8201, 1.0442]]), action 1
qValues: tensor([[0.8697, 1.0116]]), action 1
qValues: tensor([[0.9164, 0.9933]]), action 1
qValues: tensor([[0.9674, 0.9799]]), action 1
qValues: tensor([[1.0183, 0.9588]]), action 0
qValues: tensor([[0.9658, 0.9770]]), action 1
qValues: tensor([[1.0147, 0.9566]]), action 0
qValues: tensor([[0.9655, 0.9794]]), action 1
qValues: tensor([[1.0109, 0.9561]]), action 0
qValues: tensor([[0.9678, 0.9859]]), action 1
Hell Yeaaa

Cool. The agent is now trying both actions regularly, and the that means it has a reasonable estimation of the value of each reward. You can see both the qvalues are right around 1.0. Which makes sense because the reward is always 1.0.

A Different Perspective

The scores are higher than before. They look reasonable and we solved our exploration problem. (for now) But, even though the network is learning, the agent never improves its score. The problem lies in the way we are considering the value of our actions.

Minimum Necessary Force

Consider the way the reward works. Our reward is always 1.0. If the reward is always 1.0, the QValues will always be 1.0. The actions will be roughly equally valued no matter what. That's a problem because we want the agent to pick actions such that the game goes on longer.
One option would be to set the reward to 0.0 when the done comes in as true. That way the network would know when it failed. But hey, isn't that reward shaping? It is, however its the only form of acceptable reward shaping. It only comes into play when the agent fails the task. It is fundamentally a minimum reward shape. Pass or Fail.


I can tell you right now that wont work with our agent as is. The agent will learn to predict a 0.0 reward for one of the actions on the last step of the episode. It knows failure will come next frame. Then our agent will pick to move the cart such that the pole moves in the opposite direction of the fall only in that single last frame. It will get one extra point per episode out of that. Then it won't get better.
You might protest and say "Why wouldnt it slowly learn to pick actions that avoid the 0 reward earlier and earlier?"
It won't. That 0 reward will never propogate into our earlier decisions, because earlier decisions will always get a reward of 1.0. So up until the second to last step, it wont even consider the 0.0.
Our agent will eat cheesy-potatos up until the point where the doctor says: "You're heart is failing. You have one day to live.", and then our agent will eat a single salad and die on the treadmill later that night. It's a losing strategy to choose your actions only with regard to the feelings they give you right now.


Somehow our agent needs to predict how much future reward an action will result in when its picking an action now.
There are many ways to do that. One way to do that would be to change the network so that it predicts how many frames it has left before the pole falls, and then select the action with the bigger number. That will probably work. But that solution would only work for this specific environment, and you already know how that goes. We want something flexible.
Let's think about the value of an action fundamentally. When you choose to eat salad, is the value of the salad just the taste of the salad? Or in your mind does the salad's value contain all the health benefits as well? Does it contain all the happy healthy days you get to spend in front of your computer working on deep reinforcement learning?

saladValue = reward # is this how you think?
saladValue = reward + futureReward  # or is this how you think?

Hey actually that looks easy to code. Lets try that.

def learn(self, lastState, lastAction, lastReward, # who knows what we will need? 
                state, action, reward, done):      # just pass in everything you've got

    lastState = torch.tensor(lastState).float().detach().to(self.network.device).unsqueeze(0)
    state = torch.tensor(state).float().detach().to(self.network.device).unsqueeze(0)
    # lastReward = torch.tensor(lastReward).float().detach().to(self.network.device)
    # reward = torch.tensor(reward).float().detach().to(self.network.device)

    lastQValues = self.network(lastState)
    # qValues = self.network(state)

    valueOfLastAction = lastQValues[0][lastAction]

    #   saladValue = reward + futureReward
    trueValueOfLastAction = valueOfLastAction + reward * (1 - done) 
    # (1 - done) because if the game ended, there is no next reward

    loss = self.network.loss(trueValueOfLastAction, valueOfLastAction)


You will also have to change your main environment loop to pass all that shit in.

while True:
    done = False
    state = env.reset()

    score, frame = 0, 1
    lastState, lastAction, lastReward, lastDone = None, None, None, None  # remember the past
    while not done:

        action = agent.chooseAction(state)
        nextState, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        if lastAction is not None:  #   on turn 1 we wont have a past to learn from
                lastState, lastAction, lastReward, nextState, action, reward, done)

        lastState, lastAction, lastReward, lastDone = state, action, reward, done
        state = nextState

        score += reward
        frame += 1

Run it a few times, and you will see that sometimes it actually kinda works.

... # a lucky run
ep 0: high-score       51.000, score       51.000, last-episode-time   52
ep 1: high-score       53.000, score       53.000, last-episode-time   54
ep 2: high-score       62.000, score       62.000, last-episode-time   63
ep 3: high-score      141.000, score      141.000, last-episode-time  142
ep 4: high-score      141.000, score       58.000, last-episode-time   59
ep 5: high-score      141.000, score       37.000, last-episode-time   38
ep 6: high-score      141.000, score      102.000, last-episode-time  103
... # a different lucky run
ep 0: high-score       21.000, score       21.000, last-episode-time   22
ep 1: high-score       21.000, score       19.000, last-episode-time   20
ep 2: high-score       21.000, score       21.000, last-episode-time   22
ep 3: high-score       29.000, score       29.000, last-episode-time   30
ep 4: high-score       29.000, score       14.000, last-episode-time   15
ep 5: high-score       29.000, score       16.000, last-episode-time   17
ep 6: high-score       29.000, score       27.000, last-episode-time   28
ep 7: high-score       29.000, score       25.000, last-episode-time   26
ep 8: high-score       29.000, score       18.000, last-episode-time   19
ep 9: high-score       29.000, score       23.000, last-episode-time   24

Are we just getting lucky? It seems kind of sensetive to initial conditions now.
A different run (different random seed) results in totally different performance. Half the time i run it i just get minimum scores, and the other half seems pretty good.


Is the program broken? We aren't changing code but sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. How can we know good from bad now? If we make a change in the code, but we still get 50% garbage results, was the change good or not???
Maybe to sanity check ourselves we should try to investigate the qvalues.

ep 7: high-score       64.000, score       50.000, last-episode-time   51
qValues: tensor([[-0.0455, -0.0202]]), action 1
qValues: tensor([[-0.0480, -0.0398]]), action 1
qValues: tensor([[-0.0486, -0.0556]]), action 0
qValues: tensor([[-0.0473, -0.0411]]), action 1
qValues: tensor([[-0.0479, -0.0578]]), action 0
qValues: tensor([[-0.0464, -0.0439]]), action 1
qValues: tensor([[-0.0477, -0.0610]]), action 0

What the hell? They don't look anything like an estimate of the reward anymore.
It might look off to you, but it looks about right to me. Let me try to explain (and try to understand it myself.) Each action is worth around 1 reward to the environment. Each predicted action value should be a little bit less than the reward, in this case roughly 95ish% of the reward. Why? Because our action predictions should be absorbing some 0 rewards from the done flag. That should push them below the normal 1.0.
The reward is always 1.0, and rarely it is 0.0. So the qvalues should be a little less than 1.0ish, or 0.95ish.

Dynamic Relationships

Why am I saying 0.95ish? If you look at those qvalues, they arent slightly less than 1.0 like i just said. They are not 0.95ish. They are more like 0.05ish. Do you see a pattern? 0.95ish + 0.05ish = 1.0.

Think about our error code.

lastQValues = self.network(lastState)
valueOfLastAction = lastQValues[0][lastAction]
trueValueOfLastAction = valueOfLastAction + reward * (1 - done)
loss = self.network.loss(trueValueOfLastAction, valueOfLastAction)
#  sketching out what the loss will be algebraically
oldGuess = oldGuess + reward
oldGuess - oldGuess = reward
0 = reward 
loss = reward

We want our qvalue from before to be equal to our qvalue after. Now that we know the future we modify our weights so that the old qvalues are more in line with what we would have predicted for them retrospectively. To minimize the difference between past prediction and future assessment, the error is the difference between those predictions. So if we guessed 1.0, but then got surprised by the done == True, then in the future we are gonna guess 0.95. Look at the difference between future guess and past guess. 0.95 - 1.0 That's just under 0.0. Which is what our qvalues are.

A Whole New World

Doesn't make that much sense? Doesn't matter that much. The equation is now dynamic. The point is the nature of our qvalues has changed. Our qvalues are no longer an estimation of the reward as simply returned by the environment on the next step. Instead, they have become an estimation of how the specific action improves the agents circumstance across steps. (Ex: Action A makes our traveling reward go down by 0.05. Action B makes our traveling reward go down by 0.04) The reward is a baseline now. It is assumed to be nearly constant from the nets perspective. The net is now considering the rewards in aggregate. Thats what we wanted. The value of actions now are taking into account the change they have on the future.
A side point, notice the numbers are all negative. Well in cartpole if you aren't that good at balancing (like our agent), most actions will result in you being in a slightly worse off position than you were in before. (because your pole is falling)
If it was better at the game, the numbers probably wouldn't be so pessimistic.
Anyways, we acoomplished what we wanted. The downside is that our qvalues are now much more complicated notions of the value of an action, despite just being one number. As such, they arent so straightforward to interpret in human terms anymore. To be honest I didn't predict they were going to end up like this. I wouldn't blame anyone for not being able to. The qvalues only get more complicated to interpret as your learn function becomes more complicated. They complexity is dependant upon the complexity of the environment as well. So why is our performance so unstable? That is the worst part. Because the network inputs are dependent upon prior outputs, the system is now recursive. Recursively modifying your state is where chaotic systems come from. A slight change in initial conditions could tank the agent, or make it go beast mode. And even worse the environment is adding random little changes to conditions at every step. It is such a fundamental issue that almost all of the advancements in DRL are just attempts at fighting this specific chaotic nature of the qvalues.

Even More Chaos

We are not done adding chaos yet. The scores are looking better, but we aren't utilizing all the predictive power at our disposal. Notice in our code we are using the reward as it is returned by the environment.

lastQValues = self.network(lastState)
trueValueOfLastAction = valueOfLastAction + reward * (1 - done)
valueOfLastAction = lastQValues[0][lastAction]

The value of the future is being dictated by the environment, wheras the value of the past is the network's prediction.
If the past is up to interpretation, shouldn't the future be too?


It's time to predict the future, and the past.
Let's try to come up with a loss function that has both. I don't promise this is going to work. I'm just sketching out ideas.

def learn(self, state, action, nextState, done): # this changed again

    state = torch.tensor(state).float().detach().to(self.network.device).unsqueeze(0)
    nextState = torch.tensor(nextState).float().detach().to(self.network.device).unsqueeze(0)

    qValues = self.network(state)               # predict the past
    nextQValues = self.network(nextState)       # predict the future

    predictedValueOfNow = qValues[0][action]    # get value of action we took
    futureActionValue = nextQValues[0].max()    # assume we will take the best action available next

    trueValueOfNow = predictedValueOfNow + futureActionValue * (1 - done)

    loss = self.network.loss(trueValueOfNow, predictedValueOfNow)

The Future Looks Bright

Seems good doesn't it? The network is predicting the past action values, and the future action values. Also you can see for the value of the future it assumes it's going to pick the highest action value:

Which is a reasonable assumption to make. Why would we assume we are going to make bad decisions in the future? (Don't answer that)


The error is the difference between our predictions.

trueValueOfNow = predictedValueOfNow + futureActionValue * (1 - done)
loss = self.network.loss(trueValueOfNow, predictedValueOfNow)

Much like before this loss makes the basic philosophical claim that we should have valued our past actions such that those values include the value of our future actions. And of course the * (1 - done) is there because if we are about to die it doesn't matter how we value our future. We have no future. YOLO

This equation looks good. There's just one tiny problem.

Expand Your Mind By Constraining It

Where does the agent get correction from? The equation never allows to give the agent feedback.
The predicted values start out as random numbers, and that's fine because relative to future and past values those numbers will be scaled similarly. But the problem is the agent has no incentive to do what we want it to. We could add back in the the inflexible reward from the environment, but by doing that aren't we limiting the agent's sense of value?

Fundamental Intrinsic Motivations

An animal has urges and motive. It likes acquiring treats, and eating delicious foods. Something in the animal's brain has to distinguish between delicious and non-delicious foods (sweet potatos), and that something isn't learned.
The animal doesn't have to know anything about sugars and fats. That ethereal goodness had by cake, or uncooked raw organs if you are a lion, is built into the brain by default, and almost universally cannot be ignored or overriden. And importantly, for the vast majority of circumstances it should not be overriden. That narrow motivator, as dumb as it may seem, could be absolutely important for success, and is likely why it isn't a learned reward.

Some Motivations Are Better Than Others

Some of those basic rewards bias the agent in a way that only works in a specific environment. Fat people are tuned for environments with less food. Put them in an environment with lots of food and suddenly the strategy of eating all the food becomes... suboptimal. A lot of the basic animal motivations are like this. They encourage good strategy in narrow environments.
There are more complicated motivations that encourage good behaviour in almost any environment. These motivations might leverage a basic constraint and a little bit of learning.
A great example of one of these is curiosity. A curious agent would go out exploring to look for resources or new tools. A non curious one might stare at a wall until the next hunger pain strikes.
Another good one is boredom. Even an action that is good, such as chopping wood or stacking bricks, might either just be less valuable after a while, or the act itself might prevent you from exploring other actions.
Both of these are programmable emotions that we could create. (and surprisingly easily. I encourage you to think about how because I plan on making some tutorials on them in the future). However, complicated motivations are not only not necessary for many environments but could be extremely detrimental to performance. That is especially the case for tasks we humans want robots to do for us. Neither curiosity nor boredom are good for balancing poles.

Im Stupid And I Still Don't Understand
Essentially, there is unlimited potential for us at this step. The motivation we give the agent could be just about anything. It could be a reward for discovering new things, or making more agents. :^)
But at the same time it could be something dead simple. And dead simple could be the optimal motivation for a dead simple task such as balancing a pole. There is nothing wrong with simple, or narrow minded. Biology is full of agents spanning the entire gamut of reward flexibility.

Minimum Reward

The minimum reward depends on the environment. In a universe where you dont have to eat, getting hungry doesn't make a lot of sense. In a universe with a pole, 1 happy point for alive, and 0 happy points for dead is all we need. Why don't we write that code into the agent? It doesn't really matter where the code is. The reward could come from triggering fall sensors when the pole smashes into the ground. From an outside perspective where the reward comes from is arbitrary. The environment is code just like the agent. Each environment has slightly different rules. We could code new "fundamental motivations" for the agent each time we change the environment, but luckily for us the people who make the environments normally do that. Some environments do some reward shaping and you can disagree with their reward and write your own if that is the case. But usually the provided minimum viable reward is unbiased enough to be practical.

Begrudgingly, We Re-add The Environment Reward

All we do is make a slight change to our learn function.
When we calculate the true value of now, instead of adding our past prediction to our future one, we use the value the environment gave us as a judgement of our last action. Biased? Yes. But it allows a gateway for feedback, and bootstraps the whole process. Arguably since we are learning to predict the environments reward it doesn't even need to stay there for any more than just the begining part of training (but that complicates things). Anyways it's nearly a one word change in the code from before.

#   we have to pass some extra stuff in but its stuff we already have on hand
def learn(self, state, action, reward, nextState, done): 
      # put stuff in tensors, in the right shape, on the right device
      state = torch.tensor(state).float().detach().to(self.network.device).unsqueeze(0)
      state_ = torch.tensor(state_).float().detach().to(self.network.device).unsqueeze(0)
      reward = torch.tensor(reward).float().detach().to(self.network.device)
      qValues = self.network(state)       #   predict the action values of the past
      nextQValues = self.network(state_)  #   predict the action values of the future
      predictedValueOfNow = qValues[0][action]    #   get the value of the action we took, ignore the rest
      futureActionValue = nextQValues[0].max()    #   assume we take the best action next
      trueValueOfNow = reward + futureActionValue * (1 - done)  #   "temporal difference learning"
      loss = self.network.loss(trueValueOfNow, predictedValueOfNow)   
                            #   our prior prediction of now should have been  
                            #   equal to our retrospective prediction of now 

Also we need to change the environment loop to pass in the present and future state, and the reward and done.

while True:
    done = False
    state = env.reset()

    score, frame = 0, 1
    while not done:

        action = agent.chooseAction(state)
        state_, reward, done, info = env.step(action) # dont overwrite the state yet, 
                                                      # we need state and nextState (state_)
        agent.learn(state, action, reward, state_, done)  #   state_ is short for nextState
                                                          #   you will see it a lot in DRL code
        state = state_  # okay we used the last state to learn already
                        # so we dont need it anymore. overwrite
        score += reward
        frame += 1

Temporal Difference

I put it off long enough, but that was it. The illusory Temporal Difference Learning. I could have dropped it on you at the begining of tuturial one, but I think now that you have context for why it is how it is you won't feel like its just random math. Anyways, instead of re-explaining TD and its formalization I will send you over to the tutorial you supposedly had already read. TD Explanation
Okay I'll assume you read that, and peaked at the math, and you wondered how it can be used in the context of DQL instead of actor-critic. But hey now you know why it is, and how. You're awesome. Nice.

Full Code

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import gym       
import math
import numpy as np
import random

class Network(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, alpha, inputShape, numActions):
        self.inputShape = inputShape
        self.numActions = numActions
        self.fc1Dims = 1024
        self.fc2Dims = 512

        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(*self.inputShape, self.fc1Dims)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(self.fc1Dims, self.fc2Dims)
        self.fc3 = nn.Linear(self.fc2Dims, numActions)

        self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=alpha)
        self.loss = nn.MSELoss()
        # self.device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
        self.device = torch.device("cpu")

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
        x = self.fc3(x)

        return x

class Agent():
    def __init__(self, lr, inputShape, numActions):
        self.network = Network(lr, inputShape, numActions)

    def chooseAction(self, observation):
        state = torch.tensor(observation).float().detach()
        state = state.to(self.network.device)
        state = state.unsqueeze(0)

        qValues = self.network(state)
        action = torch.argmax(qValues).item()

        chanceOfAsparagus = random.randint(1, 10)
        if chanceOfAsparagus == 1:  #   10% chance
            action = random.randint(0, 1)

        # print("qValues: {}, action {}".format(qValues.detach(), action))
        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward, state_, done):

        state = torch.tensor(state).float().detach().to(self.network.device).unsqueeze(0)
        state_ = torch.tensor(state_).float().detach().to(self.network.device).unsqueeze(0)
        reward = torch.tensor(reward).float().detach().to(self.network.device)

        qValues = self.network(state)
        nextQValues = self.network(state_)

        predictedValueOfNow = qValues[0][action]    #   interpret the past
        futureActionValue = nextQValues[0].max()    #   interpret the future

        trueValueOfNow = reward + futureActionValue * (1 - done)

        loss = self.network.loss(trueValueOfNow, predictedValueOfNow)


if __name__ == '__main__':
    env = gym.make('CartPole-v1').unwrapped
    agent = Agent(lr=0.0001, inputShape=(4,), numActions=2)

    highScore = -math.inf
    episode = 0
    while True:
        done = False
        state = env.reset()

        score, frame = 0, 1
        while not done:

            action = agent.chooseAction(state)
            state_, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
            agent.learn(state, action, reward, state_, done)
            state = state_

            score += reward
            frame += 1
            # print("reward {}".format(reward))

        highScore = max(highScore, score)

        print(( "ep {}: high-score {:12.3f}, "
                "score {:12.3f}, last-episode-time {:4d}").format(
            episode, highScore, score,frame))

        episode += 1

I let mine run for a few hours and check out these results.

ep 20538: high-score     2762.000, score       89.000, last-episode-time   90
ep 20539: high-score     2762.000, score       68.000, last-episode-time   69
ep 20540: high-score     2762.000, score      796.000, last-episode-time  797
ep 20541: high-score     2762.000, score       93.000, last-episode-time   94
ep 20542: high-score     2762.000, score      105.000, last-episode-time  106
ep 20543: high-score     2762.000, score      141.000, last-episode-time  142
ep 20544: high-score     2762.000, score      210.000, last-episode-time  211
ep 20545: high-score     2762.000, score      257.000, last-episode-time  258
ep 20546: high-score     2762.000, score      210.000, last-episode-time  211
ep 20547: high-score     2762.000, score      245.000, last-episode-time  246
ep 20548: high-score     2762.000, score       61.000, last-episode-time   62
ep 20549: high-score     2762.000, score       67.000, last-episode-time   68
ep 20550: high-score     2762.000, score      139.000, last-episode-time  140

Nice those are some high scores.
However, there are also a lot of pretty bad scores in there...

ep 20372: high-score     2762.000, score      240.000, last-episode-time  241
ep 20373: high-score     2762.000, score       48.000, last-episode-time   49
ep 20374: high-score     2762.000, score       96.000, last-episode-time   97
ep 20375: high-score     2762.000, score       74.000, last-episode-time   75
ep 20376: high-score     2762.000, score       43.000, last-episode-time   44
ep 20377: high-score     2762.000, score      213.000, last-episode-time  214
ep 20378: high-score     2762.000, score       94.000, last-episode-time   95
ep 20379: high-score     2762.000, score       78.000, last-episode-time   79
ep 20380: high-score     2762.000, score       62.000, last-episode-time   63
ep 20381: high-score     2762.000, score       12.000, last-episode-time   13
ep 20382: high-score     2762.000, score        9.000, last-episode-time   10
ep 20383: high-score     2762.000, score       12.000, last-episode-time   13
ep 20384: high-score     2762.000, score       53.000, last-episode-time   54
ep 20385: high-score     2762.000, score       60.000, last-episode-time   61

Hmmm. It's almost as if the agent is forgetting how to be good sometimes. If only there was a way to make it periodically review what it learned in the past. But that's a story for a different tutorial. ~link will be here when its done~

The Rest Is Peanuts (Very Complicated Peanuts)

But anyways you did it. You are now officially in the realm of Deep Q Learning. Almost all of deep reinforcement learning is just upgrades and modifications to the program you are currently in posession of. Don't believe me? Go look at a reinforcement learning timeline from the past 20 years. (or 8 years)
Dueling Networks, Target Networks, Distributional QValues, Intrinsic Curiosity Modules, Recurrent Q Networks...
Branching Q Networks, Proximal Policy Optimization, DDPG, TD3...
They are all just tweaks and addons to 90% of what you've got now.

You Are Now God

Congratulations. You made your first synthetic life.
(You wish i was joking.)

What To Do Now

That concludes this tutorial.
Go read papers and other tutorials. Continue to improve your agent.
Or fill a planet with agents and stare at them for all eternity out of sheer boredom at your immense will.

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